Rediscovering a Priceless Family Photo that Was Lost and Then Found Again

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Rediscovering a Priceless Family Photo that Was Lost and Then Found Again

This is a photo of my aunt, my grandmother and my mother taken around 1942 or so in Huntsville, Alabama. My aunt, the young girl on the left, kept this photo with her every minute when she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in Falmouth, Kentucky one summer after a bout with appendicitis. Her single mom had to work and couldn’t care for her. My aunt told me she was so homesick and so lonely she took this photo with her everywhere. One day, she took it to the movie theatre and left it there by accident. The aunt she was staying with called the theatre and was able to get the photo back. After her recovery, my aunt went back to live with her mother and her sister. She still has this photo that she uses as a bookmark in her Bible. ~shared by @worldwidemom

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