Family History, Pictured in One Vintage Snapshot of my Grandparents

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Family History, Pictured in One Vintage Snapshot of my Grandparents

These two beautiful young people are my beloved grandparents, Danusia and Tadeusz Bulkiewicz. They both had painful experiences as children, suffering things that no child should ever suffer. My grandmom spend the years of World War II in an orphanage and never wanted to talk about this trauma. My granddad was old enough to be a close witness of the cruelty of the Nazis. Yet they survived, grew up and began their young adult lives in the same city. They met at a party and quickly fell in love. They had children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren (my sons). For many years my granddad was taking care of his beloved wife, who suffered multiple sclerosis. He was a loyal supporter for her, and the best nurse I could imagine. They both died 3 years ago, one after another in a short period of time. The days following their deaths were very, very sad to me. I felt like I lost an important part of myself. Actually, I still do. I always wonder how it’s possible to become such loving, beautiful people after experiencing the nightmares of war during childhood. Sometimes I think we make too many excuses, saying that we are not perfect because of our imperfect parents and their mistakes. My grandparents had plenty of reasons to become bitter people, but they instead chose to be the best people. ~shared by @ewixon

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