One Old Photograph Tells a Tale of Courage, Strength and Hope

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One Old Photograph Tells a Tale of Courage, Strength and Hope

These are my paternal great grandparents holding my grandmother in front of their log cabin home. They lived somewhere in the Great Lakes Region near the Canadian border.

My great grandmother’s heritage was Native American, specifically Northern Algonquin. My great grandfather’s heritage was European, Dutch German.

Their story is tumultuous one, but one that turned a dark past into a hopeful future.

Their marriage was short and unsteady, as my great grandfather was a violent, controlling alcoholic.

Yet eventually my great grandmother found a way to escape.

A friend with a wagon came to the cabin. My great grandmother and her infant daughter quickly jumped into the back, hiding under a buffalo skin rug. Thus my great grandmother and my grandmother were whisked away to safety and went on to live much happier lives.

Their courage and strength are inspiring. ~shared by @cherylsenter

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