How Revisiting Old Photographs Helped a Daughter Grieve the Loss of her mother

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How Revisiting Old Photographs Helped a Daughter Grieve the Loss of her mother

I found myself deeply overwhelmed by the need to keep even the most mundane of my mom’s belongings when she died this past February, photographer Jennifer Loeber says in her artist statement.

Instead of providing comfort and good memories, they became a source of deep sadness and anxiety and I knew the only way I would be able to move past that was to focus on a way to interact with them cathartically.

Her mother’s death catalyzed Jennifer, a Brooklyn-based photographer, to create a project called “Left Behind.” She paired photos of her mother’s belongings, like a tube of lipstick, with vintage photos that her father had captured over the years (like this one of her mother with her pet bird, Bingo, around 1968.) The images are a beautiful, photographic memorial to a beloved mother.

You can see the whole project HERE. ~shared by @jenniferloeber

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