Strong Values Passed Down from an Older Generation to a Younger Generation

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Strong Values Passed Down from an Older Generation to a Younger Generation

I just love this fun photo of my beautiful mother and her friends, circa 1954.

My mother, Jacqueline Ann, grew up in a small southern town, Natchitoches, Louisiana.

She was fortunate to have strong family connections. And, it was a simpler time. She spent a lot of time with her great-grandmother and her Aunt Frances May.

On this day, her Aunt Frances May, fondly referred to as “Aunt Famay,” gave her these WWII bathing suits. My mother talked her friends into wearing them to the community pool that day!

Can you imagine the reaction they must have gotten from their friends? I think they look fabulous!

I love hearing stories of my mother’s childhood in Natchitoches, spending time with friends and and her close-knit family.

My great Aunt Famay often talks about the innocence and simplicity of that time. She claims there just wasn’t any trouble to get into. Of course, I think the family closeness and strong values passed down from generations had a lot to do with that. ~shared by @cjmiller11

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