Remembering a Good, Decent, Hardworking Man

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Remembering a Good, Decent, Hardworking Man

Meet my grandfather Robert. He born in 1900 and was part of a generation that lived through two World Wars and a Great Depression and other hardships as well.
Quiet, reserved and even tempered, he was respectful of others and a generous giver of his time to whomever was in need. A farmer, machinist, gunsmith, businessman, he was always interested in the world around him and in awe of all the marvels he witnessed in his life — from the first car he ever saw driving down a dusty country road to a man landing on the moon. He saw so much happen during his lifetime.

I never knew him to take the Lord’s name in vain, boast, brag or kick a man when he was down. He enjoyed a joke and always seemed to appreciate small and simple things.
A good and decent man who set a standard that has been difficult to match. ~shared by @misterwalldog

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