Love Leads the Way to a Lasting Family Legacy

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Love Leads the Way to a Lasting Family Legacy

Meet my paternal great-grandfather Jesse, a red-headed blue-eyed guy of (mostly) Scottish extraction. Here, he’s sitting with his grandsons.

When Jesse married his wife in a Virginia/North Carolina border town, they decided to move up North to Jersey for a better life because they were a mixed-race couple.

Once settled, Jesse got a job in a grocery store. When the owner saw his wife and kids, he fired him and no one in town would hire him, so they packed up and moved.

This happened over and over again, despite his attempts to hide his family. So they moved from town to town.

Finally, they settled in Brooklyn and passed for Puerto Rican, which apparently satisfied the situation.

I am grateful that this man had the perseverance to do whatever it took to love and support his family. That’s what love is all about. ~shared by @aziedee

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